Revising Critical Theory

I've been teaching a MA-level critical theory course for a couple of years now, and while I think it's effective on some levels as-is, I would like to offer a more curated, in-depth approach. Currently, the course is organized loosely chronologically, using the 2nd edition of the Rivkin & Ryan anthology--what I used in graduate …

Forking for Beginners

I've been trying to wrap my head around github, and while it's been a slow process, I think my experience may be useful for other folk like me--those of us who have just enough knowledge (and the curiosity, and the really big eyes) to make a mess of things. So, I thought I'd make a …

Electronic workshopping with google docs

In the past several years, I've tried many, many different workshop methodologies--the full class single-paper workshop one day, followed by small-group workshops the next; round-robin workshops; lightning critiques; the simple exchange/read/comment; send your draft to a peer through email and use Word to comment/merge; in-class electronic workshopping with a peer; in-class polishing at the computer …

Found it!

Todorov, Literature and Signification, quoted in Jameson, The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism (1972, Princeton): Every work, every novel, tells through its fabric of events the story of its own creation, its own history... The meaning of a work lies in its telling of itself, its speaking of its …