Patricia Highsmith

Photograph: Ulf Andersen/Getty

Almost 10 years ago, I taught a course on Patricia Highsmith, and since then, there has been a bit of interest in this mini-documentary I created for my students and the end-of-term film festival we hosted around Highsmith adaptations. It's about 16 minutes in length, posted originally on Vimeo and now YouTube. The Associació Internacional …

IT (1927)

No, not It: The Terror From Beyond Space! or some reference to Cousin It, but Clara Bow's 1927 romantic comedy that helped popularize the phrase, "the 'it' girl." Today, students will turn in their first assignment, the scene description from One Week, and do a little reflective writing on the project, before moving on to …

One Week

Composition 102 students today will be introduced to the first major assignment of the term, the scene description; I really like this project as an introduction to the class because it is not argument based but it does require close, precise description, concision, and a few other key elements designed to introduce students to writing …

Midterm in Discover

Sadly, I've been less-than-dilligent about posting to this teaching blog--in part because of the chaos of my recent move, but also because this term has been busier in the classroom than most. My students seem to be slowing down a little, which isn't surprising around this time of year; nonetheless, I think each group is …

Discussing Film Form

I was very impressed with my Discover 101 students today, who seemed really to get into the film analysis portion of our class--we watched the first ten minutes of Night of the Living Dead, and used it as a springboard for discussing some of the basic concepts of film analysis, locating patterns, key elements in …