The politics of data and data viz for online course (re)design

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the abrupt turn to online education was necessary. We know it's changed our present landscape, as well. And as faculty members, we know that the politics of the pandemic shift to online education hit hard. How can data and data visualization help us see the people in the numbers? How can data humanism help us make better data-informed decisions around online course design? We need to track QA, design, and redesign interventions for online course design better. And we need to think hard about how the data we collect can be used to benefit our students in an era of AI, massive online courses, and courses that are created by equally massive for-profit conglomerates. Slow and small data may be a part of that. What do you think?

Design Tools

Creating an engaging and useful Canvas home page In 2018, Canvas launched a tool faculty can use to develop more advanced design aspects in course creation--it's not very pretty, even four years later, but it can be useful if you're willing to dive in and explore. Here is a home page for an asynchronous online …